
A key differentiator between Dualism® and traditional games is that the economic design of the blockchain unlocks the ability to have complex and player-owned economies, being able to reward players in a sustainable way to evolve with the project. Game resources and items are tokenized, meaning they can be sold to anyone, anywhere in open peer-to-peer marketplaces.

The seasons held in 2022 will bring the necessary fuel to start the path of decentralization of the game economy, where we will work so that 100% of the economy is owned by the players. Administrative and development sustainability will be maintained through monetization of governance tokens planned for 2023.

Over the long term, new features, valuable items and land will be unlocked and/or added to maintain balance and economic sustainability. Also, according to the scale of the project and its establishment in the market, many opportunities can be applied for expansion and fundraising, such as advertising, sponsorships, physical products, among others.

Sale of NFTs: The pre-sale of the first season of cards, scheduled for 10/04/2022, will be carried out in ADA through smart contracts. The Nami wallet will be used to interact with the Cardano blockchain.

Card market: smart contracts will be used to carry out token transactions (cards, battlefield, special pass, collectibles items, lands), which will allow free trade of in-game assets between platform users. With this, the economic principles of supply and demand become automatically integrated into the system, allowing the community to determine the fair price of the assets generated by the player.

Token: We look forward to sharing information about the ISPO for the launch of our governance token. Disclosures will take place on our main social media, respecting the Roadmap.

Funds: fundraising and project budget are segregated according to the graphic representation below:

Last updated